ISS voting guidance for 2023
ISS have updated their voting policy guidelines for 2023
Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) have updated their voting guidelines for 2023. These apply to shareholder meetings taking place from February 2023 onwards.
UK and Ireland guidance clarifies that keeping directors’ annual salary increases low, and ideally lower proportionally than general increases across the broader workforce is considered to be good market practice.
For high emitting companies – identified as those in the Climate Action 100+ Focus Group – ISS will generally be recommending against relevant resolutions and/or directors in the event the company is not considered to be adequately disclosing climate risk disclosure information, or where the company does not have either medium-term greenhouse gas emission reduction targets or Net Zero-by-2050 reduction targets for at least Scope 1 and 2.
The full policy update may be found at Executive-Summary-of-ISS-Policy-Updates-and-Process.pdf (