
A personalised service supporting executives to build knowledge, confidence and capabilities in executive remuneration practice. My assistance is particularly relevant to Group HR Directors, Emerging HR & Reward Leaders, Non-Executive Directors and Remuneration Committees.

As a boutique independent, my support is personalised, caring, and has your best long-term interests at heart. I add value by drawing on my rich portfolio of practical experiences as a Global HR and Business Leader, together with a deep understanding of the relevant stakeholders and trends in executive remuneration.



I help you generate ideas, solutions and plans quickly. I have the subject matter expertise to offer constructive challenge, be a sounding board for you to test your thinking, and create space to reflect. With no vested interest in the outcome of your decision, you will be working with someone impartial, independent, and who has your back!

A few examples where coaching can add value include:

Skill development for individual transitions
coaching for a newly appointed Remuneration Committee Chair, Group HR Director or Head of Reward to facilitate and accelerate the on-boarding process.

Specific skill development
- coaching to build confidence and capability to skilfully handle challenge and scrutiny from the media, investors and shareholders on remuneration matters.

Resolution of specific challenges and issues
- coaching to improve and strengthen a relationship with a key stakeholder, such as the board of directors, CEO or a major shareholder.

Support with strategic business challenges
- coaching to help land a policy change with the Board and/or shareholders and other stakeholders.



I offer training to individuals and teams on any aspect of strategic reward management and executive remuneration, tailored to your specific needs and organisational context. The training is highly interactive, and built on real-life scenarios, case studies and role play where appropriate.

Training may range from a general induction to the concepts, practices, terminology, and stakeholders involved in executive remuneration, to a deeper dive on a discrete topic such as long-term incentives or corporate governance. Alternatively, it may simply be an update on latest trends and issues to help you lead and shape the debate. This can be a very valuable precursor to strategic change in remuneration practice.



I mentor talented people with the potential to develop into a senior governance or advisory role in executive remuneration - this will typically include future Group HR Directors and Heads of Reward.

Mentoring adds value to organisations by creating a more powerful talent pipeline in roles where it can be hard to source, recruit and retain high calibre individuals. It also boosts confidence and improves the engagement of exceptional talent you wish to grow and retain. In the executive remuneration context, it can be particularly useful to prepare for working effectively with a whole new set of senior stakeholders, including the board of directors, investors, Regulators, the CEO and Executive Committee.

I assist by helping you sharpen your focus and cut through to what matters. I create a safe space to ask your most important questions, and offer advice that is unfiltered and unbiased. I help you articulate stretching goals, determine achievable plans for reaching them, and provide honest, constructive feedback on how you are doing.

Additional Services

In addition to assisting individuals and teams build knowledge, confidence and capabilities in executive remuneration, I offer:

Executive coaching
to grow strengths, improve performance and tackle any demanding business challenge successfully.

Business consultancy
in executive remuneration, strategic reward management, performance management, leadership and talent.


How it works

I offer an initial free meeting to explore and identify your needs.

I provide a tailored proposal which covers details such as the services to be rendered, timing and goals.

As an example, following an initial “chemistry” meeting to confirm there is a coach/client fit, a coaching programme will typically include:

· A 3-way meeting with your line manager to understand how they see your development needs, and how they will support you
·  6 to 8 coaching sessions of 60-90 minutes each, scheduled to suit you
· Unlimited telephone and e-mail support between sessions
· An evaluation of success against goals