My Progress Report on the reform of executive pay
I am delighted to announce the recent publication of a Progress Report on the reform of executive pay which I researched and authored on behalf of the Purposeful Company.
Progress since our last Report is encouraging and shows nearly 1 in 10 of the FTSE 350 are now using deferred shares, with recent implementations from BT Group, Burberry, Lloyds Banking Group and Whitbread. This leads us to believe that pay reform is now at a tipping point. Deferred shares provide a clear way forward for pay in a wider group of companies.
In the report we consider how COVID has shaped challenges and views, what new solutions there are to these challenges, what lessons we can learn from companies that have implemented deferred shares and how stakeholders might support the Investment Association – whose November 2019 letter to Remuneration Committee Chairs referenced our previous Report – may progress their commitment to encourage greater adoption. The report may be found at