Implementing a holistic reward & benefits strategy: 5 key insights

Jean-Pierre Noël is presenting the session titled “Implementing a holistic reward and benefits strategy: how to navigate the complexities of delivering national and international solutions” at the CIPD Reward and Benefits Conference 2019 which takes place in Birmingham on 3 April 2019. Book your tickets today.

The GC100 and Investor Group Directors’ Remuneration Reporting Guidance 2018

The guidance suggests “best practice” in the view of both investors and companies. The Group (comprising FTSE 100 Company Secretaries and leading UK institutional shareholders) was reconstituted in 2018 to further review and amend the guidance following the publication of The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 which applies to financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2019. An updated version of the guidance was republished on 7 December 2018.